
Curated Lists

We have curated the following lists for use with the app. Click any of the links to download them.


Default Blocklist

The default blocklist comes preinstalled in the TulaByte app. This is a great preset for most users.

Default Plus Blocklist

This blocklist has been enhanced with more tracking and badware URLs. This is strongly recommended for all users.

Mega Blocklist

This blocklist with more than 18,000 domains blocked covers the large majority of widespread trackers and badware, but comes with a greater likelihood of pages and apps misbehaving. Although our internal testing has shown that this list does not adversely affect the normal usage of one’s device. The list is based on Steven Black’s Master Blocklist.

> This list is ***currently not recommended***. It has been causing the app to become unstable and a fix is under development. ## Allowlists Allowlist are more dependent on the websites and apps you may be using and as such your needs may differ from other users. Although this shouldn't happen, if you see erratic behaviour from an app or website you may consider adding it to your own allowlist. ### Default Allowlist The default allowlist comes preinstalled in the TulaByte app. This is a great preset for most users.